Top Tips

Use case studies of celebrities who have struggled with literacy or numeracy, but have succeeded.

IDEA: Invite previous participants to talk to students specifically about the literacy and numeracy elements of their learning and how they overcame the fear/the challenges.

TOP TIP: Involve YP in the practical decisions that are involved in preparing for each day of your SAC. E.g. budgeting and shopping for lunch; making sandwiches and working out how many pieces of bread are needed for the whole group…

IDEA: Why not involve your YP in making a cake for the celebration event? They can be shown how a recipe is laid out (ingredients and method lists, often structured with bullet points and shorthand rather than full sentences etc..) and can help measure out all ingredients, thinking about metric and imperial measurements.

How can we help young people to develop their literacy and numeracy skills throughout their Summer Arts College Experience?

The Art of Embedding Literacy and Numeracy into SAC: Top Tips for maximising learning during Summer Arts College (SAC) Facilitator: Sally Brown

Look for natural links between the art form and literacy/numeracy:

–        Music and lyric writing (see TuneIn and Digital Music on the Enrichment College).

–        Rap as a starting point to explore lyrics and poetry.

–        Work out costs of materials, i.e. to make a sculpture.

–        Work out cost of hiring versus buying equipment for a music event.

–        Use words, letters and numbers to create dance pieces (see Now Move on the Enrichment College).

–        Explore use of letters and words in Islamic art (see Alphabet Words and Letters on the Enrichment College).

–        Demonstrate ideas for animating words (see’ Give me a Word’ in Poetry in Motion).

–        Storyboarding – with timings of shot, indication of what characters will do and say.